【公主】Sliver love(中1)

Angeline / 著投票加入书签

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    【69书吧-www.69shu.com】“greyson chance!”全场欢呼,每个人都猜了出来。


    “那么,现在有请greyson chance登场!”雪樱优雅的一笑。


    you'll never enjoy your life 你从不享受生活

    living inside the box 一直活在自己的牢笼里

    you're so afraid of taking chances 你是如此害怕去冒险

    how you gonna reach the top? 这样如何能达到顶峰 ?

    rules and regulations 规矩和条例

    force you to play it safe 使你谨慎行事

    get rid of all the hesitation 不要再忧郁了

    it's time for you to seize the day 是时候珍惜现在了

    instead of just sitting around 而不只是坐以待毙

    and looking down on tomorrow 为明天闷闷不乐

    you gotta let your feet off the ground 你该让自己启程了

    the time is now… 是时候了

    i'…just waiting… 我在等待…等待…只是等待…

    i' outside the lines 我在等待…在线外等待

    waiting outside the lines 在线外等待

    waiting outside the lines 在线外等待

    try to have no regrets 试着让自己不要遗憾

    even if it's just tonight 即使只限今晚

    how you gonna walk ahead 你要如何前进

    if you keep living behind? 如果你一味地活在过去

    stuck in my same position 被囚禁在和我同样的困境

    you deserve so much more 你本应该得到更多

    there's a whole world around us 整个世界都在我们身边

    just waiting to be explored 它正等着被探索

    instead of just sitting around 而不只是坐以待毙

    and looking down on tomorrow 为明天闷闷不乐

    you gotta let your feet off the ground 你该让自己启程了

    the time is now, just let it go 是时候了 放手一搏吧

    the world will force you to smile 这个世界会迫使你微笑

    i'm here to help you notice the rainbow 我就在这里帮你发现彩虹

    cause i know 因为我知道

    what's in you is out there 真正的你就在那里

    i'…just waiting… 我在等待…等待…只是等待…

    i' outside the lines 我在等待…在线外等待

    waiting outside the lines 在线外等待

    waiting outside the lines 在线外等待

    i'm trying to be patient (i'm trying to be patient) 我试着很耐心(我试着很耐心)

    the first step is the hardest (the hardest) 第一步往往是最艰难的(最艰难的)

    i know you can make it 但我知道你可以做到

    go ahead and take it 勇往直前达成目标吧

    i'…just waiting…i'… 我在等待…等待…只是等待…我在等待…

    i'…just waiting 我在等待…等待…只是等待…

    i' outside the lines 我在等待…在线外等待

    waiting outside the lines 在线外等待

    waiting outside the lines 在线外等待

    you'll never enjoy your life 你从不享受生活

    living inside the box 一直活在自己的牢笼里

    you're so afraid of taking chances 你是如此害怕去冒险

    how you gonna reach the top? 这样如何能达到顶峰?

    (没听过的可以上网查来听,名字是:waiting outside the line)








    “大家好,我是greyson chance。”greyson温柔的一笑(就不打英文了,不是我不会,而是,又要打英文但是又要翻译,很累的,所以不打英文了,greyson的话全部都是中文)。


    “接下来请欣赏greyson和雪樱带来一首歌曲,price tag。”陌雪和冰音笑着走下了舞台。


    雪樱:seems like everybody's got a price 既然人人都有身价

    i wonder how they sleep at night 我想知道他们晚上如何安睡

    when the sale comes first  先来买卖

    and the truth cod 然后才来真相

    just stop, for a minute and smile停下来片刻微笑

    why is everybody so serious 为何人人都神情严肃

    greyson:acting so damn mysterious 一副神神秘秘的样子

    you got your shades on your eyes 你的眼睛下出现了黑眼圈

    and your heels so high 又穿这么高的高跟鞋

    that you can't even have a good time 你甚至不能拥有美好的时光

    everybody looks to their left (yeah) 人人向左看看(耶)

    everybody looks to their right (ha) 人人向右看看(哈)

    俩人:can you feel that (yeah) 难道感觉不到吗(耶)

    we'll pay them with love tonight… 今晚我们付出的爱。。。[1]

    it's not about the money, money, money 这无关金钱

    we don't need your money, money, money 我们不需要你的金钱

    we just wanna nce 我只要世人跟我手舞足蹈

    forget about the price tag 共同忘掉身价牌

    ain't about the (uh) cha-ching cha-ching 不是关于(哼)金钱 金钱

    aint about the (yeah) ba-bling ba-bling 也不是关于(耶)穿金戴银

    wanna nce 只想让世人共舞

    forget about the price tag 共同忘掉身价牌

    雪樱:we need to take it back in time 我们想要让时光轮回

    when music made us all unite! 音乐让我们众志成城!

    and it wasn't low blows and video hoes 但并不是不堪入目的视频

    ain… tired? 难道我是唯一一个感觉到累的人么?

    why is everybody so obsessed? 为什么人人对此着迷?

    greyson:'t buy us happiness 满足与快乐 金钱无法买到

    can we all slow down and enjoy right now 我们就不能停 活在当下

    guarantee we'll be feelin alright我能保证我们会感觉很好

    everybody looks to their left (yeah) 人人向左看看(耶)

    everybody looks to their right (ha) 人人向右看看(哈)

    can you feel that (yeah) 难道感觉不到吗(耶)

    俩人:we'll pay them with love tonight… 今晚我们付出的爱。。。

    it's not about the money, money, money 这无关金钱 金钱 金钱

    we don't need your money, money, money 我们也不需要人们的金钱 金钱 金钱

    we just wanna nce 我只要世人跟我手舞足蹈

    forget about the price tag 共同忘掉身价牌

    ain't about the (uh) cha-ching cha-ching 不是关于(哼)金钱 金钱

    aint about the (yeah) ba-bling ba-bling 也不是关于(耶)穿金戴银

    wanna nce 只想让世人共舞

    forget about the price tag 共同忘掉身价牌

    yeah yeah 耶耶

    雪樱:well, keep the price tag好吧继续生活在标签下

    and take the cash back 把现金全部拿回来

    just give me six streams and a half stack 只要给我六首音频和500mb(注:stack电脑术语 等于1gb)

    and you can keep the cars 你就可以得到我的车

    leave me the garage 开出我的车库

    and all i。。而我呢……

    yes all i need are keys and guitars 我需要的只是调和吉他

    greyson:and guess what, in 30 seconds i'ving to mars 猜想着,我在30秒能飞向火星

    yes we leaving across these undefeatable odds 是的,我们将不朽打破并抛离

    its like this 't put a price on life 像这传奇人物 你无法给其定价

    we do this for the love so we fight and sacrifice everynight 每晚战斗和牺牲 一切都是为了爱

    so we aint gon stund fall never 所以我们永远不会堕落

    waiting to see, a sign of defeat uh uh 看着吧,你们的标志注定失败

    俩人:so we gon keep everyone moving there feet 所以我们要大家继续前进

    so bring back the beat and everybody sing 重复这节奏大家一起唱

    it's not about the money, money, money 这无关金钱 金钱 金钱

    we don't need your money, money, money 我们也不需要人们的金钱 金钱 金钱

    we just wanna nce 我只要世人跟我手舞足蹈

    forget about the price tag 共同忘掉身价牌

    ain't about the (uh) cha-ching cha-ching 不是关于(哼)金钱 金钱

    aint about the (yeah) ba-bling ba-bling 也不是关于(耶)穿金戴银

    wanna nce 只想让世人共舞

    forget about the price tag 共同忘掉身价牌

    it's not about the money, money, money 这无关金钱 金钱 金钱

    we don't need your money, money, money 我们也不需要人们的金钱 金钱 金钱

    we just wanna nce 我只要世人跟我手舞足蹈

    forget about the price tag 共同忘掉身价牌

    ain't about the (uh)cha-ching cha-ching 不是关于(哼)金钱 金钱

    aint about the (yeah) ba-bling ba-bling 也不是关于(耶)穿金戴银

    wanna nce 只想让世人共舞

    forget about the price tag 共同忘掉身价牌

    yeah yeah 耶耶

    oo-oooh 哦哦

    forget about the price tag 共同忘掉身价牌





    陌雪:remember those walls i built


    well baby they're tumbling down

    亲爱的 看吧 现在它们都已倒塌

    and they didn't even put up a fight


    they didn't even make a sound


    i found a way to let you in


    but i never really had a doubt


    standing in the light of your halo


    i got my angel now


    greyson:it's like i've been awakened


    every rule i had you breakin'


    it's the risk that i'm takin'


    i ain't never gonna shut you out


    everywhere i'm looking now


    i'm surrounded by your embrace


    baby i can see your halo

    亲爱的 我能看到你那神圣的光环

    you know you're my saving grace

    你知道吗 你就是我的守护神


    俩人:you're everything i need and more

    你是我需要的一切 甚至更多

    it's written all over your face


    baby i can feel your halo

    亲爱的 我能感到你那神圣的光环

    pray it won't fade away


    i can feel your halo (halo) halo


    i can see your halo (halo) halo


    i can feel your halo (halo) halo

    i can see your halo (halo) halo


    陌雪:hit me like a ray of sun


    greysonc:burning through my darkest night


    俩人:you're the only one that i want


    think i'ht


    i swore i'd never fall again


    but this don't even feel like falling


    gravity can't forget


    to pull me to the ground again

    请松开我 让我自己站起来



    “接下来换成冰音和greyson给大家带来sunshine in the rain。”陌雪优雅的走下去了。


    冰音:when i'm in berlin you're off to london


    when i'm in new york you're doing rome


    all those crazy nights we spend together


    as voices on the phone


    greyson:wishing we could be thic


    tired of the nights i sleep alone


    wishing we could redirect the traffic


    and find ourselves a home


    俩人:can you feel the raindrops in the desert


    have you seen the sunrays in the dark


    do you feel my love when i'm not present


    standing by your side while part


    sunshine in the rain


    love is still the same


    sunshine in the rain


    sunshine in the rain


    love is still the same


    sunshine in the rain


    冰音:even if we call the highest power


    we can only do one town a time


    words are not enough action speaks louder


    second time around


    can you feel the raindrops in the desert


    have you seen the sunrays in the dark


    俩人:do you feel my love when i'm not present


    standing by your side while part


    sunshine in the rain


    love is still the same


    sunshine in the rain


    sunshine in the rain


    love is still the same


    sunshine in the rain




    “最后,我们全体向你们献唱,as long as you love me(原唱:后街男孩)。”照在四人身上的灯光暗了,亮的时候,四人的衣服换了,音乐响起——

    雪樱:although loneliness has always been a friend of mine。尽管孤独一直是我的朋友

    i'ving my life in your hands。 我愿将我的生活交给你

    陌雪、冰音:people say i'm crazy and that i am blind。 人们说我疯了太盲目

    risking it all in a glance。 毫不犹豫赌上所有感情

    greyson:how you got  mystery。你为何能使我如此盲目仍是个谜

    i can't get you out of my head。 我就是无法忘了你

    三人:don't care what is written in your history。我不在乎你过去的种种

    as long as you're here with me。 只要你陪在我身边

    i don't carewho you are。 我不在乎你是谁

    where you're from。你从哪里来

    what you did。你做过什么

    as long as you love me。只要你爱我

    who you are。你是怎样的人

    where you're from。你从哪里来

    don't care what you did。我不在乎你做过什么

    as long as you love me。只要你爱我

    雪樱、冰音、陌雪:every little thing that you've said and done。所有你说过的话和做过的事

    feels like it's deep within me。都深深的烙印在我心里

    greyson:doesn't really matter if you're on the run。我真的不介意是否你就要离开

    it seems like we're meant to be。我以为我们是一对的

    i don't care who you are。我不在乎你是谁

    where you 're from。你从哪里来

    what you did。你做过什么

    as long as you love me。只要你爱我

    who you are。你是怎样的人

    where you 're from。你从哪里来

    don't care what you did。不在乎你做过什么

    as long as you love me。只要你爱我

    as long as you love me。只要你爱我

    i've tried to hide it so that no one know。我试着把感情隐藏起来不让任何人知道

    but i guess it shows。但我想我无法不流露

    when you look into my eyes。当你凝视着我

    what you did and where you're com。你做过什么从哪里来

    i don't care as long as you love me, baby。我不在乎,只要你爱我就好,宝贝

    i don't care who you are。我不在乎你是谁

    where you're from。你从哪里来

    what you did。你做过什么

    as long as you love me。只要你爱我

    who you are。你是谁

    where you're from。你从哪里来

    don't care what you did。不在乎你做过什么

    as long as you love me。只要你爱我

    who you are。你是谁

    where you're from。你从哪里来

    what you did。你做过什么

    as long as you love me。只要你爱我

    who you are。你是谁

    where you're from。你从哪里来

    as long as you love me。只要你爱我

    who you are。你是谁

    as long as you love me。只要你爱我

    what you did。你做过什么

    i don't care。我不在乎

    as long as you love me。只要你爱我









